Saturday, October 2, 2010


1.      All living organisms vary in their ----------------- , ---------------------- and ----------------- .
2.      On what basis did Aristotle propose his theory of classification?
3.      Why was the classification theory of Aristotle misleading?
4.      --------------------------- should be the basis for making broadest divisions.
5.      What do you mean by ‘characteristics’?
6.      What is the need for classification of organisms?
7.      Give three examples of the range of variations that you see in life forms around you.
8.      On what bases are plants and animals put into different categories?

9.      What is evolution?
10.  -------------- first described the idea of evolution in the year ----------------- , in his book --------------------------------------- .
11.  Explain ‘primitive’ or ‘lower’ organisms.
12.  Explain ‘advanced’ or ‘higher’ organisms.
13.  Differentiate older and younger organisms.
14.  Distinguish between primitive and advanced organisms.

a. -------------- means the diversity of life forms.
b. What is biodiversity?
c. What is megadiversity?
d. Name the countries in which biodiversity is concentrated.

15.  All living organisms are divided into broad categories called kingdoms by biologists --------------, ------------ and ---------------- .
16.  Name the five kingdoms proposed by Whittaker.
17.  Whittaker formed the groups on the basis of the ------------------ , ----------------------- and -------------------- .
18.  What was the modification introduced buy Woese in Whittaker’s theory of classification?
19.  On the basis of hierarchy of characteristics classification is done on seven units. List them.
20.  Which is the basic unit of classification?
21.  What do you mean by ‘species’?

22.  Explain the special features of classification regarding prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
23.  Monera have / do not have a defined nucleus or organelles.
24.  Monera show / do not show multi-cellular body designs.
25.  Explain : autotrophic.
26.  Explain:  heterotrophic.
27.  Monera includes organisms such as: ------------------, ------------------ and --------------------.
28.  Monera are prokaryotic/ eukaryotic.

29.  Protista are prokaryotic/ eukaryotic.
30.  What are appendages?
31.  What is the use of appendages?
32.  Mode of nutrition of Protista can be autotrophic or heterotrophic. True of False?
33.  Examples of Protista are ----------------, ---------------- and ------------------------ .

34.  Fungi are autotrophic organisms. True or False?
35.  Fungi are eukaryotic / prokaryotic.
36.  What is chitin?
37.  Give examples of fungi.
38.  Explain the term ‘symbiotic’.
39.  What are lichens?

40.  Plantae are multi cellular eukaryotes. True of False?
41.  Do plantae have cell walls?
42.  Plantae are heterotrophs. True or False?
43.  Plantae use -------------------- for photosynthesis.

44.  Animalia include organisms which are multi-cellular. True of False?
45.  Animalia are heterotrophs. True of False?

46.  Why is the body design of an amoeba different from that of a worm?
47.  Animalia have cellwalls / do not have cell walls.
48.  What factors do the first level of classification among plants depend on?
49.  What factors do the second level of classification among plants depend on?
50.  What factors do the third level of classification among plants depend on?

51.  Explain: Thallophyta.
52.  Plants that do not have well-differentiated body design fall in the group ------------------ .
53.  Plants in Thallophyta are commonly called ---------------------- .
54.  Plants in Thallophyta are aquatic. True of False?

55.  What are called amphibians of the plant kingdom?
56.  Explain the special features of Bryophyta.
57.  How is the plant body divided in Bryophyta?
58.  What do you know about the conduction of water and other substances in Bryophyta?
59.  Give examples for Bryophyta.

60.  How is the plant body divided in Pteridophyta?
61.  What do you know about conduction of water and other substances in Pteridophyta?
62.  Give examples for Pteridophyta.
63.  What are the common features of thallophytes, bryophytes and pteridophytes?
64.  What are called ‘cryptogamae’?
65.  --------------- are those with hidden reproductive organs.
66.  What are phanerogams?
67.  ------------------ are the result of the reproductive process in plants.
68.  What are gymnosperms and angiosperms?
69.  Explain the functions of seeds.

70.  What is the meaning of gymno?
71.  What is the meaning of sperma?
72.  Explain the special features of gymnosperms.
73.  Give examples of gymnosperms.

74.  What is the meaning of angio?
75.  What are the special features of angiosperms?
76.  Angiosperms are also called ------------------.
77.  What are cotyledons?
78.  What are called seed leaves? Why are they called so?
79.  What are monocotyledons?
80.  Monocotyledons are also called ------------------ .
81.  What are dicots?

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