Sunday, February 20, 2011



1. What is sound?


2. Can you produce sound without a vibrating object? Explain with example.
3. Give examples of some actions that produce sound.
4. What is vibration?
5. How is human voice produced?

Go through activities 12.1 and 12.2.


6. How is sound produced?
7. What is called a medium?
8. The medium can be -----------, ---------------- and ---------------.
9. Describe the process of formation of sound and how it it is heard by us.
10. What is a wave?
11. How do the waves influence the sound?
12. How can be sound visualised as a wave?
13. What are mechanical waves? Why are they called so?
14. ----------- is the most common medium through which wound travels.
15. What is called compression?
16. What is called rarefaction?
17. Compression is the region of ----------------.
18. Rarefaction is the region of ----------------.
19. Pressure is related to the ----------------- of a medium in a given volume.
20. Propagation of sound can be visualised as ---------------------------- or ------------------------ in the medium.


21. Sound cannot travel through ----------------------.
22. Explain with an experiment, the necessity of a medium for the sound to travel.


23. What are longitudinal waves?
24. Why are sound waves longitudinal waves?
25. How do the particles of the medium move in the longitudinal wave?
26. What is a transverse wave?
27. What is the difference between the longitudinal and the transverse wave?
28. How do the particles move in the transverse wave?
29. Light is a ------------- wave.
30. Why is not a transverse wave a mechanical wave? Explain.


31. We can describe a sound wave by its ----------, --------------- and ----------------.
32. How does the density and pressure of the medium  vary at a given time?
33. Compressions are the regions where particles are -----------------------------.
34. Compressions are represented by the ------------------- of the curve.
35. The peak represents the region of ---------------------------.
36. Compressions are regions where -------------- and --------------  are high.
37. Rarefactions are the regions where particles are ----------------.
38. Rarefactions are represented by the ----------------- of the curve.
39. A peak is called the --------------- and a valley is called the ---------------.
40. What is called the wavelength?
41. How is the wavelength represented?
42. What is the SI unit of wavelength?
43. When sound is propagated through a medium, the density of the medium oscillates between ------------ and ---------------.
44. What makes one complete oscillation?
45. How can you get the frequency of the sound wave?
46. What is called the time period of the wave?
47. Time period is represented by the symbol ----------.
48. Its SI unit is -------------.
49. Frequency and time period are related as ---------------------.
50. Why is the sound produced by a violin and a flute played at the same time in an orchestra differ when we hear?
51. What is called the pitch?
52. How does the vibration affect the pitch?
53. What does high pitch sound correspond to?
54. How are diffferent pitch created?
55. What is called the amplitude of the wave?
56. It is represented by the letter -----------------.
57. What is the unit of amplitude?
58. ------------- and ------------- of a sound are determined by its amplitude.
59. What is the difference in the sound produced when we strike a table lightly and when we hit it harder? Why is it so?
60. Why can loud sound travel a larger distance?
61. A sound wave spreads from its -------------.
62. As the sound wave moves away from the source its -------------- and ---------------- decrease.
63. What is the quality or timber of sound?
64. What is the characteristic of the timber of sound?
65. What is a sound of rich quality?
66. What is called a tone?
67. What is a note?
68. What is the quality of noise? Why?
69. What is the quality of music? Why?
70. Practise the sums and questions given in page 166.
71. What is called the intensity of sound?
72.' Loudness' and 'Intensity' are same. True or False?
73. What is loudness?

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